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Drawing of a squiggle unravelling to become a line that leads to an exclamation mark

HI! I’m Lou!

As an organisational designer, I most recently worked at Nexer (formerly Sigma), in the UK.

I work best in a coaching role, on projects like:

  • Co-designing workshops to design a service provided by an umbrella organisation that supports lots of other charities to deliver digitally enabled services.
  • Defining user stories and coaching the team to implement them in a user-centred way when redeveloping the website for a mental health charity.
  • Deep dive into capturing insights of end users, and what that might mean for refining or pivoting a product or service.

I’m great at sense-making. I use virtual whiteboards to capture insights and help to interpret them. I’m used to Mural, and Miro. I’m also used to google docs, sheets, and slides.

I love collaborating with purpose-led teams and organisations working in and around health and social care. I have over ten years of experience working in the sector. Nexer specialises in making the web more accessible and inclusive, and I’m really proud of having been a part of that for five years.

Are you looking to:

๐Ÿงถ Untangle many strands of thinking and activity?
๐Ÿ’ก Get clarity quickly?
๐ŸŽฏ Use that clarity to drive action?

This is a spacer to create a breather

This is just a spacer at the end of the page. It shows three yellow shiny stars that I drew