the power to Design for Delight

Whether you’re creating change in your own life, at work, or in your organisation, make choices that lead to more delight for yourself and others
What do I mean by design?
Design means choosing an intent, and then making that intent real in the world.
This is my favourite definition of design, from Jared Spool.
The results of the design process might be a chair, a phone, a website or a healthcare service. Whichever it is, we can design these things so that they delight or frustrate the people who use them – as designers, this is our choice.
Jared Spool’s definition of design applies to your smartphone, a supermarket’s shopping app, and the health service I use. It turns out that we can choose to design our lives so that they delight us or frustrate us, too. And we can also use design in our organisations, to the same end. Which would you choose? Delight or frustration?
Use design to create more delight and less frustration – in your life, work, or organisation