Greet the new year with gentle movement, the space to slow down and create a clear intention, and the opportunity to capture it in your own vision board.
Date: Saturday 20th January, 6pm to 9pm
Venue: Upstairs at the bound bookshop, Park View, Whitley Bay.
This isn’t about battling to see New Year’s resolutions through or making endless to do lists! Slow down and have fun with others, creating a sense of what you want this next year to look and feel like. What do you want to invite into your life in 2024? In restorative yoga we’ll work with body and mind to do some creative dreaming for the year ahead. You’ll also make a positive, powerful image to take away with you – an anchor to keep you focused through the rest of the year. Join us at the bound in Whitley Bay for a cosy evening of yoga and simple crafting to restore you after the busy holidays.
Your ticket includes:
- A yin-inspired restorative yoga practice.
- Warming tea, non-alcoholic drinks and healthy snacks.
- Materials to create your own vision board.
- Supportive space and gentle prompts to create alongside others.
Leave with a clear intent for the year and a vision board to take home. You’ll be feeling grounded, inspired and ready for your vision to unfold in 2024 and beyond!
the most perfect evening
New Year Intentions attendee
Yoga by Hannah
Hannah teaches yoga at the bound weekly on Fridays. She has trained with Jambo Truong, a multi-disciplinary yoga teacher trainer. Jambo is also a Forrest Yoga Guardian: Forrest yoga was created by Ana Forrest. It combines work on breath, integrity, strength and spirit and every session begins with an intent. Like Jambo, Hannah’s yoga practice is Forrest-inspired. Hannah is also an award winning parenting blogger at her site, Mum’s Days, and hosts a podcast called Happily Ever After.
Vision boarding by Lou
Lou helps people to find clarity on what they want in life so that they can take action to make it happen. She loves working with people who want to get clear on their values and aims in life. Her superpower is gently holding space for others: she helps them to see what they already know (but didn’t know they knew yet). Vision boards are just one of the tools she uses with her clients. She has been helping people find clarity on their life and work for over ten years. She’s also practiced yoga for over 20 years, and she’s learning to play the ukulele.
loved last night
New Year Intentions Attendee